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CCD Holds Online Training on Tracking of Covid-19 Palliatives Distribution

From  our Kaduna correspondent.

Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) organized held an online training for capacity building in tracking palliatives distribution to PWDs in Kano, Kaduna, Lagos, Akwa Ibom, Enugu and by extension Jigawa State.

Over 150 persons, one from each local government of the said state participated in the training.

The online training was organized to build capacity in tracking palliatives for PWDs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an opening remark, the Executive Director, David O. Anyaele, said CCD as an NGO was established since 2002 and their primary concern has always been persons with disabilities.

He further stated that the aim of the training is to build the Capacity of persons selected from the sign language interpreters association who will be conducting and carrying out the survey on Palliatives distribution to ascertain the inclusion of persons with disabilities with each person representing a local government from the focal states of the Upright for Nigeria campaign.

He also stated that the targeted persons to be interviewed during the survey include the blind, the deaf and the disabled – five persons per clusters.

He urged participants to be sincere in the data gathering as this will help show how the PWDs are been carried along in the palliatives distribution.

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