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Julius Berger Nigeria Plc appoints Ernest Ebi, Karsten Hensel as Non-Executive Directors

From, Emmanuel Isibor, Lagos

The Board of Directors of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc. has appointed Messrs Ernest C. Ebi, MFR, FCIB andKarsten Hensel as non-executive Directors of the Company with effect from December 7. Both Directorswill be replacing independent Director, HRH Igwe Nwokike Anugwu, JP, OFR, and Engr. HeinzStockhausen who recently resigned from the board. Mr. Ernest C. Ebi has more than 40 years of banking experience from various leadership positions inNigeria, including Chairman, Fidelity Bank PLC, Chairman, UNIC Insurance PLC; Executive Director,Corporate Banking of African Continental Bank PLC and Deputy Managing Director and Chief OperatingOfficer of Diamond Bank Limited. In a very distinguished career within the financial services industry, hewent on to serve in leadership positions across a number of banks, until June 1999, when he wasappointed as a Deputy Governor at the Central Bank of Nigeria where he covered the policy and corporateservices over a ten-year period. In recognition of his sound professional background and track record ofmeritorious service, the Federal Government of Nigeria in 2007 awarded him the National Honor ofMember of the Order of the Federal Republic (MFR). In the same year, the Chartered Institute of Bankersof Nigeria also awarded him a Fellow of the Institute (FCIB). He attended Howard University, WashingtonD.C., U.S.A. where he graduated with a BBA in Marketing and an MBA. He has also attended many highprofile leadership courses and programs at institutions such as IMD Switzerland, INSEAD, HarvardUniversity, Oxford University and Brandeis University. He sits on the boards of several companies
Karsten Hensel was born in Hannover in 1957 and studied civil engineering and architecture with a focuson urban planning and building design at the Technical Universities of Hannover and Darmstadt. From1986 to 1991, he worked for Bilfinger + Berger Bauaktiengesellschaft in Wiesbaden and was responsible,among other things, for the introduction of 3D/CAD building planning. From 1992 to 2008, he managed various major projects for the group on site in Nigeria, Berlin, China andQatar. Subsequently he took over the management of all infrastructure, industrial, gas and oil projects forBilfinger Berger Nigeria GmbH. After the transfer of operations to Julius Berger International GmbH in2012, all project managements were bundled under his direction. In 2014, Karsten Hensel joined themanagement board and has been CEO of Julius Berger International GmbH since October 2018. KarstenHensel is a member of the Hessen Chamber of Architects and a lecturer at Darmstadt University ofApplied Sciences in the field of “Building abroad”. Julius Berger Nigeria Plc is a leading company offering integrated construction solutions and relatedservices. The company has been operating in Nigeria since 1965 and its scope covers all areas ofconstruction. Julius Berger is dedicated to utilization of cutting-edge technologies, the continuousinvestment in staff training and strong partnership with clients. Quality, reliability, innovation andsustainability are the pillars of Julius Berger’s structures and actions. The company is committed to beinga responsible corporate citizen and actively seeks out opportunities to make positive and measurabledifferences in the future of people and communities.

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