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NBM in the forefront in the Pan-African Struggle.

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By Ako Hemen Michael( with agency report)

My take is  that genocidal war on Africa has begun, with the news about it  being swept under the carpet daily, not with the de-platforming of nationalist and African-centred voices from media platforms that the perpetrators of these heinous crime control.

Once you control the narrative, the war is already half won. The planned narrative for the Sahel is that the African governments are incompetent at fighting terrorism, and that NATO needs to intervene to “protect civilians” and “fight terror,” which was the same premise used to destroy Libya.

The other planned narrative for Sub Saharan Africa is that Pan Africanism or any African nationalist or African-centred political ideology is “terrorism.”

The narrative groundwork for that has already been laid by the US government, which has labelled Pan Africanists as ‘Black Identity Extremists’ and  “terrorists.”
France stripped Kémi Seba (born in Strasbourg!) of his French citizenship, describing his anti-colonial ideology as “terror messaging.”

The West already have battle cruisers stationed permanently off Cote d’Ivoire and the Horn of Africa, and they’re just waiting for the instruction to invade.
By the time our people wakes up from their slumber, they will find all their new Chinese-built infrastructure lying in ruins and their countries bombed back to the stone age under one pretence or the other.

The whole continent will  become another Eastern DRC overnight,  I guess that is when they will know exactly who the West is and represents.

That geopolitics that we are determined not to learn because reading and thinking are too much work – we will learn it by force and by experience.

The Neo-Black Movement of Africa, NBM, as a Body is the Fastest Growing body still practicing Deep “PAN AFRICANISM” and it’s Ideologies are a big threat to white Supremacists.

Pan Africanism is a journey so deep and entails making a lot of sacrifices by those who believes in it. Sometimes, we really need to know where we are as members of this great movement, sometimes we need to know the roles that we have to play in Africa and the global society as a people who practice true and deep pan-africanism within the context of tradition and spirituality of Africa.

*People who practice Pan-Africanism typically engage in several key activities such as;.*

1. *Promoting Unity:* Advocating for the solidarity and unity of African nations and people of African descent worldwide, recognizing shared histories and *struggles* .

2. *Cultural Awareness:* Celebrating and preserving African cultures, traditions, and languages, fostering a sense of pride in African *identity* .

3. *Political Activism:* Supporting political movements that aim to liberate and empower African nations, often focusing on anti-colonialism and social justice but never to have a political party.

4. *Economic Cooperation:* Encouraging economic collaboration among African countries to build self-sufficiency and reduce dependency on *foreign* aid.

5. *Education :* Raising awareness about African history, achievements, and contributions to the world, often through *educational programs* and community *outreach* .

6. *Advocacy for Rights:* Fighting against systemic racism and discrimination faced by people of African descent globally, promoting human rights and *social* *justice.*

7. *Return of Stolen Artifacts:* Advocating for the repatriation of cultural heritage that was taken during colonial times, restoring cultural pride and addressing historical injustices.

To be the fastest growing body of pan Africanism we must champion this fight and make sure we are victorious in every single battle together.

That Africa has always been under attàck by the West is stating the obvious.

To digress a little, let’s take our mind to how the West act towards Nigeria and Nigerians.
Take for instance how the All Progressives Congress, APC, rode on the waves of  Western media propaganda “Bring Back our Girls”, which Barack Obama and other Western Elites cashed in on and crippled the GEJ administration.

Before APC came to power, Nigeria was on the list of the Top 10 African countries growing by 7% annually.

If the West perceives that an African country is on the brink of making progress economically  they will do everything they can to throw the country into chaos, just as they did to Late Muammar Gadafi of Libya.

The West is a mortal enemy of Africa, but our people are too blind to see it.

I therefore urge the Leaders of NBM worldwide to come together and Build a HOUSE of TOGETHERNESS so when the time comes for THE MOVEMENT TO TAKE ITS STAND we will not be a DIVIDED HOUSE.

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