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Oba of Benin rolls out time table for annual Igue Festival


It is hereby notified for the information of the general public thet the Omo N’ Oba N’ Edo Uku Akpolokpolo, Ewuare ll, Oba of Benin , will celebrate this year’s Festivals in accordance with the following programme

December 14. Otue Ugierhoba (all chiefs
come to pay homage)

December .15 Ugierhoba( all eligible
Chiefs come in ceremonial
dance procession with
Eben )

December .16 Ugie Iron

December 17. Free day

December 18. Utue Igue Oba( all Chiefs
come to pay Homage to the

December 19. Igue Oba(all Chiefs attend in
Ceremonial dance with the
procession with Eben)

December 20 . Free day

December 21. (a) Ugie Emobo(all Chiefs &
Palace functionaries to be in
attendance at Emobo
(b) Igue Ivbioba (Ivbioba to
fix their own time for Igue
that evening)

December 22. Free day

December 23. Igue Edohia (This is the day
all Edo people perform their
individual worship in their

December 24. Ugie Ewere(ceremony of bri-
nging “Ewere” blessing to all

December 25. Free day

December 26. Free day

December 27 Free day

December 28. Free day

December 29. Feast Market Woman

December 30. Worship at Holy Aruosa

December 31. Free day

2.Engagement may be fixed for any ” free day”, in which case announcement will be made as appropriate. There will be sitting arrangement on 15,19, and 24 December , 2018 for visitors.

3. May God and our ancestors grant us all good health to be able to participate . We use this medium to remind the Public and appeal to them that celebration of Funeral rites are not permitted during the period of the Annual Royal Festivals. We pray God keep death from people’s home

Ise logbe, Ogbema Vbe Dia Ru.

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